The Sixth Annual 8th Grade “Your Choice, Your Future” Career Exploration Day will take place from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. on November 18 and 19 at the Wilma Rudolph Event Center.
The purpose of the event is to inform 8th grade students about a variety of future career opportunities from local businesses and workforce professionals. CMCSS recognizes that there are specific workforce needs for Montgomery County and Middle Tennessee, and is actively introducing students to these opportunities by offering more career education within the high school curriculum.
Booths are free for exhibitors who register to inform students on the purpose of their organizations. Each booth will come equipped with a 6′ table and two chairs. Exhibitors are responsible for providing their own signage and table cloths. Organizations can request additional booth accommodations if needed.
Sponsors are also needed for the event. Sponsorship levels are: Career Day Partner: $200 and Career Day Title Sponsor: $500.
The registration deadline for the event is November 2, 2015. Click here to register.
For questions or more information, contact Karen Pitts at (931) 920-7829 and or Brenda Scarborough at (931) 920-7796 and