Foundation awards nearly $23,000 in grants to CMCSS teachers

For the past eight years, the Education Foundation has offered CMCSS educators the opportunity to compete for funds that benefit their classrooms and special projects in a non-traditional way.

Education Foundation president Brian Taylor notes that the increase in funds awarded is possible because of contributions made by individual community members to recent Foundation fundraisers including the Vision to Reality Banquet and the Annual Campaign. “Each year we continue to offer more opportunities for our students and teachers in CMCSS because our donors witness first-hand how their support is making an impact in the lives of students.” We are very fortunate that more people are taking interest in our work and offering ways to support our efforts.

This year, 25 educators out of 65 applicants were awarded up to $1,000 each to implement their ideas, which will impact approximately 10,500 CMCSS students both directly and indirectly. Awards received were based on a competitive rubric and its potential impact in the school or in in the classroom and student learning. Foundation Board members Tommy Bates, Maria Jimenez and Lori Smith recognized the Great Idea Grant recipients at a reception held at CMCSS Central Office on January 9.

Grant recipients for 2016:

Elementary School

Barkers Mill Elementary

Math Manipulative for Eureka Math Curriculum Tammy Seeber
Connecting Literacy to Mathematics in Primary Grades Nikki Lavigne
Tablet Teaching Sharon Williams

Glenellen Elementary

STEM club engineering, technology, and coding



Tonilynn Mosley and Eileen Huppert


Liberty Elementary

STEM Teacher Guides and Books



Brandi Goodwin


Moore Magnet Elementary 

Third Graders “Dig In”



Patti Sinclair and Laura Baxter


Norman Smith Elementary

Fluency Stations



Amanda Tarver

Family Engagement Summer Reading Workshop Rachel Wainwright and Kellie Nedell

Pisgah Elementary

Digital Illustration in the Elementary Classroom




Travis Stanley


Rossview Elementary

iPads for Learning



Sara Denson

iPads for Learning Teresa Hayhurst
iPads for Learning Tangelia Qualkinbush

Middle School

Montgomery Central Middle

High Interest/Low Readability Self-Contained Library Najia Stallworth
Students IN-SYNC with Learning Chassie Combs and James Combs

New Providence Middle




Rachel Grubb

Northeast Middle

Robotics Program



Whitney Joyner and Todd Taylor


Richview Middle

Increasing Student Focus and Reading



Amanda Economos and Wendy Rudolph

Helping Students Focus Angelica Encinas and Terry Dublin

Rossview Middle

Creative Dramatics Grants for Middle School




Chris Yim

High School


Clarksville High School

Maker Challenge



Beth Frerking and Sandy Ing


Kenwood High

Meaningful and Effective Resources for RTI



Jamie Wright


Northeast High School

CITA Augmented and Virtual Reality App



Stefi Outlaw and Bridget Cloud


Northwest High

 Project Focused Fidgeting



Penelope Liotta


West Creek High

Problem Solving Toolbox for ISS Students



Gary D. Satterfield